WANTED: More Comic Movies Like This

I am not a professional movie reviewer. I don't sit in my seat and bring a pen and paper or try to take mental notes of significant scenes to remember later. I am an average movie lover (maybe not average) with way too many DVDs who loves the summer, not for the beach, but for movie season. Typical quick movie reviews from someone like you or me goes something like this when the credits start rolling: you look to the person next to you and say "So did you like it?" and the response is "It sucked" "It was alright" or "Bad ass." I go in to movies with expectations, like Wanted for example, I knew it was going to be a kick ass action movie with my old crush Angelina Jolie and that's about it. But I just love it when movies exceed my expectations. There were moments in the movie when I clapped a few times at the shear bad assery of it all before I realized I was one of those guys and then stopped. Finally, a rated R comic book movie that got it right. The kill scenes were graphic and bloody as they should be in an assasin movie. The movie was hilarious too. Yeah. What the hell, right? Totally unexpected and a great surprise. The story had a few twists and surprises that I can usually predict before they happen, but not in this one. So did I like it? Fucking bad ass.