Mutt Williams And The Comb of Destiny

Tonight I finally got a chance to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom on the Crystal Skull. I purposefully didn't read any reviews prior to seeing it as to not spoil any plot lines or have anyone else's opinion poison my movie going brain. I did hear, however, that people either hated it or loved it. I loved it. SPOILER ALERT: I'm sure I'll read or hear people complain about the ending and how so far fetched or un-Indy-like it is. I would have to disagree. No one in the movie says the word aliens but come on they're friggin aliens. And so what? Is it really all that crazy? How about a beam of light that melts Nazi faces off, pulling hearts of chests or a Holy Grail that makes you age instantly. The intent of the Indy movies are not to get kids to care about history. It's about adventure, globe trotting and following clues to the fun ending that bitch slaps history books in the face. It takes place about 20 years after that last movie (the same length of time since the last movie came out) and all the characters are that much older. Indy doesn't pretend he's the same ripe young age he was in the previous films. There are plenty of old man jokes coming out of the mouth of Shia LaBeouf's character Mutt Williams. Nevertheless Indy still cracks a whip like he used to. It's not much of a spoiler here but Mutt Williams turns out to be Indy's son and it hints to a spin off or continuation of the franchise with Shia as the leading man. I think it can technically still be called Indiana Jones even without Harrison Ford for this reason: Indiana is not really Indiana's name. Henry Jones Jr. is his name and Mutt is not really Mutt's name. Mutt's real name is Henry Jones III. Mutt is a name he gave to himself and with that reasoning he can always change it to Indiana as a tribute to his father. Either way I would give it a chance and check it out. If you get a chance, see this one too.