About a week or so ago I picked up The X-Files the complete series on DVD. As of now I am about to start disc 6 of season 1 to watch the last 4 episodes. I watched the series when it was on TV but I was something like 11 years old. It kicked ass back then because it had aliens, monsters, and guns but now that I'm older I can watch it and appreciate the complex stories and of course the aliens, monsters, and guns. I remember things here and there but for the most part it's like watching it for the first time all over again which is incredibly exciting. The box set came with all 9 seasons, the theatrical movie, a comic book, episode guide, collectible cards, and a full sized poster of the movie. Not too shabby. I got a pretty sweet deal at CostCo for only $120 as opposed to $180 regularly. Each season on its own is at least about $40 plus the movie which is probably $10 so I think I got my money's worth. I know for a fact I won't be done watching everything before the movie, The X-Files: I Want To Believe, comes out in theatres July 25th. Looks like I'll be living and breathing government conspiracies for the next few months.
Currently Watching: The X-Files
Labels: Movies, TV, X-Files | 0 comments
Currently Playing: Crysis
I just finished playing through Crysis for the 3rd time. It's no surprise that it is one of my favorite games, well, ever. I wouldn't say it's revolutionary only because it borrows all the best aspects about a FPS into one game and does it remarkably well. There are many games out there that use physics, action, stealth, story, exploration/freedom, but Crysis bundles it together in a neat little package. What is revolutionary is, of course, the graphics. There is no game that looks as good as this. Period. I'm running on an 8800GTX at about Medium settings at 1920x1200 getting about 50fps and even that looks incredible. With the settings cranked up to Very High it's like watching a slideshow but oh is it pretty. When I build a new tower in about a year or two I'll get to see it in it's full glory. It has a few bugs and a few annoyances but nothing that won't prevent me from playing it through a 4th or 5th time. The Core level in the alien ship is boring and I don't enjoy the linearity the game takes on after the aliens show up but it is fun and action packed nonetheless. Best. Game. Ever.
Labels: Crysis, Games | 0 comments