Noir Graphic Design Studios Site Launched

As of yesterday, my new online portfolio is now available to view online at It contains samples of my work from various fields of design including print advertisements, logo design, packaging, and photography.

In college I learned web design but have long since forgotten most of it. Well that's not entirely true. I can design the hell out of a website but I cannot program it. I've forgotten about HTML and CSS style sheets which is the boring parts of the whole process which is why I've never truly dedicated myself to that aspect of design. It really turned me off to the whole thing. That is until...wait for it...I've discovered a badass photoshop plugin called Site Grinder 2. It allows designers like myself to be just that- a designer. Not a programmer. I can focus on building a website entirely in Photoshop. By simply naming layers with certain tags, Site Grinder builds your site with minimal to no knowlege of web design. It takes care of all the HTML coding and even implements CSS to your site without ever looking at code. It's a no brainer and a life saver. Check out the site and let me know what you think.